10 Notes-Making Tips for College Students

Manish Kumar
In College life we need to create a subjective notes for different subject,it's very helpful in exam time.
good notes help you recall important information when you review them, actually just writing things down can help you learn that information and remember it better, more quickly. Being able to take good notes is also an important way of training your brain to identify important information.
Here some most important tips for making a good notes.

1.In Notes Highlight the key point: “Make sure that for each and every class or lecture that you attend, you have one overriding concept that is behind that class.” Key points will not only make your review time much easier, they will also help you actively understand the point of each lecture.
2. Review after class: “Whenever possible, review your notes within a few hours to edit and expand on the notes that you took in class,” says Hasmik Petrosian, manager of UNI-Prep Institute. Petrosian believes an extra scan and adjustment of the notes you just took will allow the material to really take root in your brain. “If you don't do this right away, you will likely not remember the details a few days later.”
3.Link your Notes to Your Syllabus: If your course requires lots of assignments and projects, you will already know that you need to reference all original sources of information you use. Take this a step further by linking the topic you are studying to your core syllabus. This will help you understand where each topic fits in the overall picture.You should also include sources when building your notes as this will help you find out more about that particular area.
4. Write only what's needed: Not everything in a lecture or seminar session will be of equal significance. There will probably be three or four main points, linked by a common theme, and maybe a half dozen sub-points relating to each of these. The rest of the class may well be illustrations, examples, exercises, student interactions and responses to questions, etc. Don’t get bogged down trying to write down every word or detail. Capture the major points, with sub-headings if necessary, and explain them in your own words if you have time to do so. If you don’t have time, leave a blank space beneath the point in question and a little note or symbol in the margin to remind you to re-visit that point later.
5.Use Technology: to Your AdvantageCreating visual study aids using technology can easily be applied to your note taking routine. Tools such as GoConqr Notes give you the freedom to express yourself and incorporate media such as graphics, videos and presentations to give you a richer learning experience.
6. Read your assignment before you come to class. Note taking comes easier when you already have some understanding or awareness of the material.
7. Develop a system: Outlining? Numbered paragraphs? A mind-map? Charts and graphs? There’s no right way to organize your notes. Experiment with the way that best reflects how you listen, how you think, and how you process information.
8.Think while you write: This means you can’t write down every single word your instructor says. If you try to transcribe your teacher’s lecture, you have no room for thinking about what you’re writing and how it fits together, and you inevitably fall behind and get frustrated. As you listen and write, think about what information is most likely to be of use later, whether on a test, in an essay, or in completing a project. Focus on points that directly relate to or illustrate your reading. And during class, listen for verbal cues from your instructor that indicate important information.
9. Review After the lecture: go through your notes. Consider leaving space on each page or after each important section of class, for a short summary, in your own words, of the material you covered. This can help you process the information by making you think it through and ensuring you understand it. Reviewing your notes also helps you remember the material, underscores the instructor’s lecture, and lets you add things you want to make sure you don’t forget and organize material that is connected.
10.Be Clear: what we write try to clear write which is understandably by anyone.use headings and focus on writing neatly so that it's easier to read. 

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