Student life is golden life

Manish Kumar
People say “Student life is golden life”.Student life is the most happiest period time in the life of a person.It is the period of pure joy and happiness, because the mind of a student is free from cares and worries of a grown-up life,no worries of having to come home and cook or earn money.
From childhood to old age, the best enjoyed phase in one’s life is student life, especially college days.
In this period, the character of man is built. So, it is called the formative period of human life. Every student should try his best to make the best use of his student life.
This period is ought to be enjoyed the most you can. Because this period will never be able to return back so just make the most out of it.
The most important things in students life are discipline and punctuality without discipline students are like a bird without wings. Punctuality is the exact time to again knowledge.
In this period, the character of man is built. So, it is called the formative period of human life. Every student should try his best to make the best use of his student life.
The primary duty of a student is to learn and to acquire knowledge. He must do all his work at the right moment and maintain punctuality and discipline. He must remember that if a student becomes successful in his student career and his character is built on a sound basic, he will be able to shine in any sphere of life and serve his society and countries.
A student should spend most of his time of this golden period in reading and learning. A good student never waste his time fixed for reading uselessly. But he must not be a book-worm being always engaged in his studies. He should also be careful about his health and spend some time daily in some sports and games. He should try to develop his body and mind at the same time.

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