Top ten interview questions & answers..(Part-2)

Manish Kumar
The goal of an interview is to determine whether the candidate will be outstanding in the job, and that means evaluating the skills and attitude required for that job. 
They tend to ask all interviewees an arbitrary mixture of around 10 interview questions. Before we begin, keep in mind that, in an HR interview, there is no perfectly correct or incorrect response. What matters most is your self-confidence and how well you are able to articulate your thoughts and views in front of the interviewer.
Here are the most commonly 10 frequently asked interview questions you can expect to be asked in your interview and advice on how you can craft effective responses.
1.Tell me about yourself?
2.What are your strengths and weaknesses?
3.What are your goals(short-term & long-term goal)?
4.Why should we hire you?
5.What is the difference between hard work and smart work?
For Answer Please Visit:Top ten interview questions & answers..(Part-1)
6.Give me an example of your creativity.?
Firstly Known actually creativity means What? It can be define as following way
Creativity is smarter way of working than other persons works.
Creativity is making or doing something with our skill and imagination!
Creativity is nothing but doing something in a more innovative way which should be appreciated by others.
Ex. : In My College i do anchoring for cultural program activity and writing good poetry for teachers and making a amazing&creativity videos for Department activity,teachers,and friends which  is appreciate by others.
7.What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?
We Can easily define like this
Confidence:- I will definitely get this job because I prepared and work hard for this job.
Over confidence: I will easily get this job it's doesn't matter I prepared or not for it.

Confidence means I can do it because I have complete knowledge about it and 
Over confidence means when we committed that I will do it without any knowledge.
If I say "I can do this work" is confidence.

If I say "I am the only one who can do this work" is overconfidence.
8.Describe your ideal company, ideal location and ideal Job?
My ideal company is one which provides me a healthy environment, a group of intellectuals peoples and where my boss encourages me.
My ideal job is which provide opportunities to do more better in life and add myself to company profit and also to my nation growth.
And where these two aspects are found that is my perfect location.
According to me, An ideal company is a company which provides a healthy and good environment and lots of opportunities for employees to do work and where the suggestions would be taken as positions. 
The ideal job is the job where we get satisfaction in both professional and daily (personal) life. The ideal Location is where these things are present. Thank you sir.
If the company makes me happy, and the company is happy with my performance, that's an ideal Company.
If the place around me has a positive vibe and keeps my family happy, that's an ideal Location.
If the job can bring growth for me and my country, and keep the people around me happy, that's ideal Job.
9.Why do you want to work at our company?
Actually, sir, I have no experience but I have some skills knowledge qualification for this company and I can grow up my knowledge here and this company is a reputed company and I could get learn and gain my knowledge from here.
I would like to be a part of your company because I have the talent and skills you are searching for. I am able to fulfil that vacant place, and as I am a fresher, I need a platform where I could change my knowledge into the practical and of course It will be an honour for me.
As I got good platform to show here my skills, strength to take the company to a good position n can learn many things from here.
As a fresher I need a platform which enhance my career and knowledge. I reputed company will help to me a batter career. So I prepared your company is best.
10. What salary are you seeking?
Sir, I am a fresher. Salary is not the first priority for me. I want to improve my knowledge and skill and gain experience. Give me a salary as per your company standards and which fulfills my economical needs
My first priority is job, and salary follows. If the company gives me the opportunity to work, I expect that my salary will go with my performance, also the company norms
Being a fresher I don't ask you any significant salary, give me salary as per your company standards and which fulfills my economical things.
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