Google's Top 10 Important Ranking Factors in 2019 (Part-1)

Manish Kumar
Now a Day's in Google top 10 search result ranking of a website is tough, and it keeps getting more complex and competitive every day.
The SEO rules and ethics of SEO keep changing or are rather rewritten every year. So your website positive results in 2018 may not be applicable in 2019.
According to MOZ Each year, Google changes its search algorithm around 500–600 times.
While most of these changes are minor, Google occasionally rolls out a "major" algorithmic update (such as Google Panda and Google Penguin) that affects search results in significant ways

Every year it seems Google gives us a new ranking factor.
In 2014, HTTPS became a ranking signal.
In 2015, mobile usability became a ranking signal.
Then, 2016 shifted content development as RankBrain came onto the scene.
And, in 2017, there was a more significant push for more HTTPS websites.
Now, in 2018, mobile page speed looks to be the next big ranking factor to focus on
You might already know that Google uses over 200 ranking factors in their algorithm,So how do I find out which factors I should focus on to get a higher Google ranking and  knowing where to aim your SEO ranking strategy in 2019 ??
In 2019, may be voice search friendly website rank factor to focus 
So what are the key SEO elements you need to keep in mind, and which are the most critical in your process and what's help to you develop your approach, and what exactly goes into Google’s ranking algorithm.
First of all we find the top 10 ranking factor for a website ?

1. Authoritative Back-links : The first seo ranking factor is : having enough backlinks, but Authoritative Backlinks because Backlinks define your page and domain authority. Acquire as many backlinks you can to get posts ranked in search engines Along with content, backlinks are the bread and butter of SEO. It’s 2018 and backlinks still remain one of the most important Google ranking factors to focus on. They give Google a clear signal about how good your website is in terms of quality and relevance. Which means Google will always give more weight to quality backlinks than poor backlinks in high quantity.

Some of the easy ways to get back-links are:

            Commenting on other high authority blogs.
            Discussing niche related matters in forums.


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