The ABCD of SEO (Search Engine Optimization Alphabets- SEO Terminology) part-1

Manish Kumar
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your on-line content so that a search        engine likes to show it as a top result for searches of a certain keyword.
SEO is known as Search Engine Optimization,It is a way to promote a website online and make website Search Engine friendly.
Here i am discuss SEO Terminology From A to Z.

Let’s start with ABCD of SEO.
Algorithm: How Search engine work ,process of crawling web pages of your website.

Alt text/tag: Alt tags are used to optimize images from SEO POV. Alt tags describe an image by this description users and search engines know about the images it's also used to optimize images for SEO.

AdWords: (Google AdWords) is an advertising service by Google for businesses wanting to display ads on Google and its advertising network.

Anchor text: Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text. 

Backlink: Backlink is an incoming link to a website from another website.
it's always better to have less high quality links than more quality ones.

Blog: A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
These posts keep visitors on the page and therefore help the site to rank better.

Bounce rate: It is the percentage of single page visits (or web sessions). It is the number of visits in which a person leaves your website from the landing page without browsing any further. Google analytics calculates and reports the bounce rate of a web page and bounce rate of a website.

Brand Keywords: Branded keywords are queries that include a brand’s name. For example the search term “microsoft azure service” is a brand search query of the company microsoft.

Broken Link: Any link that leads to a 404 page not found, bad gateway, or internal server error.

Black Hat: In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology, black hat SEO refers to the use of aggressive SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that focus only on search engines and not a human audience, and usually does not obey search engines guidelines.

Bing: Bing is a web search engine owned and operated by Microsoft. The service has its origins in Microsoft's previous search engines: MSN Search, Windows Live Search and later Live Search. Bing provides a variety of search services, including web, video, image and map search products.

Content: Every piece of information see on a website- text,animation,graphics, videos etc,having quality content is the most part of SEO.

Canonical URL (rel=canonical): The rel=canonical tag is used to tell search engines that various URLs have essentially similar content. Search engines will then only index the canonical URL. This takes care of duplicate content issues which confuse search engines as to which content they should rank.

Conversion: A conversion rate is measured by the number of potential visitors performing the desired action, whether the action is buying a product, filling out a form, or some other goal of the web page.

Crawlers:  A crawler is a program used by search engines to collect data from the Internet.

CPC: CPC stands for ‘Cost per Click’. You have to pay (if you are putting ads on someone else blog/website) or you will earn (if somebody putting his ads on your blog) whenever someone click on the ads.

CPA: CPA stands for ‘Cost per Action’. Action can be of any type, it may be filling out a form on destination website or joining e-mail list at destination websites etc.

CPS:  CPS stands for ‘Cost per Sale’. This is one of the most famous online marketing methods now a days. It is beneficial for both publisher and advertiser. You get a commission per sale.

CTR: CTR Stands for ‘Click through Rate’. CTR is calculated on percentage basis. Let me explain you it in more details. Suppose you have put one ads on your blog and it appears to your visitor 100 times a day and 3 people click on it then your CTR will be 3% or 0.03

Directory: A directory is a collection of websites based on categories.
Directories are a kind of website which are used to store businesses and their information.

Deep Linking: Deep Linking usually refers to creating links (from other websites or from within your own) to content deep within your website as opposed to the front page.
It's allows visitors to go directly to a page desired within the website instead of the landing page or front page of the site.

Duplicate content: Content which appears at more than one place on the internet.

Dofollow: A dofollow link is a hyperlink without the rel=”nofollow” attribute. See nofollow links. A dofollow link passes PageRank and other ranking signals (link juice) to the link destination.

External Links: External Links are hyperlinks that point at (target) any domain other than the domain the link exists on (source).

Feed: An RSS feed is a resource that shows the latest content from a source and the main thing about RSS is that it automatically updated. By submitting an RSS feed to different directories, you provide another way for your blog content to get syndicated and to distribute your backlinks.

Fresh Content: Fresh content has a huge impact on SEO. Here's how you can create it for your business'website, and the benefits you could experience.

Flash: A programming language that search engines have difficulty crawling and understanding content built with it.

Google AdWords Keyword Tool: Google Keyword Planner was previously referred to as Google AdWords Keyword Tool.

Google Search: People use Google to search anything, so it’s extremely important to optimize your website for Google searches.

Google Webmaster Tools: A free tool for webmasters to track their website’s search performance with Google, get support on site issues, and perform a variety of actions such as fetching Google-bot to crawl a page, submitting a sitemap, and targeting a website to a specific country.

Google My Business: A free Google business listing service that will enable a business to be found on Google Search and Google Maps.

Google Trends: A free tool by Google that allows you to explore trending search topics.

HTML5: HTML5 is another SEO-friendly markup language that delivers several improvements from HTML such as increased user experience (audio & video) and provides a good alternative to less SEO-friendly languages like Flash and Silverlight.

HTTPS: HTTPS or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure signifies that all sending and receiving of information are encrypted and secured.

.htaccess: Htaccess files are hidden plain text files that are on the server and are used to control how your visitors interact with your website.

Headings: Headings (H1-H6) are pieces of HTML codes which allow readers to know about a web page.

Image Title: The image title and caption is the gives the information about content on web pages to the search engines.

Index: index.html or index.php,index.aspx or index.jsp it's home page of websites. and
indexing refers to the process of adding webpages to a search engine’s index.

Internal Linking: A method of hyperlinking different pages within a site.

Inbound Links: A link (hyperlink) that’s coming to your website from another website.

Impressions: The amount of times an ad is shown or a web page appears in search results are called impressions.

Javascript: JS is a scripting language, that’s used to add dynamic features if embedded in HTML.

Read Also : The ABCD of SEO (Search Engine Optimization Alphabets- SEO Terminology) part-2


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