51 Features Every Small Business Website must have

Manish Kumar
2 minute read

Today we discuss what are the 51 Features Every Small Business Website must have through a website visitor can easily to access and clearly mention all information abut products,services and their plan ,call to cation buttons easily to contact and send a feedback.

So let's start from header section .....

Header Section

1.Domain Name: Easy to remember domain name.
2.Logo: A Clean logo representing your business name .
3.TagLine: TagLine  representing what your business does.
4.Phone Number: Phone number easy to visible.
5.Call to action button: Easy to recognize call to action button.
6.Tap Navigation(Menu Bar): Clear and easy to read top nevigation.
7.Bread Crumb navigation: Bread crumb navigation to all page.

Above the Fold

8.Slider or Image:Showing most important and differentiating point of your business or
 your main headline.
9.Crucial Business Information(Find Us): Your location like restaurant menuetc.
10.Testimonials & Reviews: Video testimonials can be even better.

Below the Fold

11.Main Features: Of your products,services,business,location,office,etc.
12.Quality content: Written first for the user the for the search engine.
13. Internal links: To inner pages.


14.Contact Information: Physical address, phone number and email address.
15.Business Hours: List your correct business hours or support hours.
16.Social Media buttons: Link to company social media.
17.Online chat feature: This would be an optional feature.
18.Newsletter: Signup form.
19.Navigation: Footer Navigation.

Inner Pages

20.Contact Form
21.Captcha: or anti spam feature(I am not a robot).
22.Personalized: About us page.
23.Inner pages content:
24.Privacy Policy page: if you collect user information like email addresses.
25.FAQ page.
26.Blog page: BLOG

Blog Page

27.Search function:- For the blog.
28.Social Media share buttons: For each blog post.
29.Comment feature: Every blog article must have a comment feature.
30.Sidebar: Showing your other most popular blog posts.

Other Design/Content Points to consider

31.Links that are easy to recognize.
32.Clean font: Easily readable.
33.Mobile responsive.
34.Ham burger menu on mobile site.
35.Use contrasting colors


36.Automatic sitemap creation.
37.Ability to easily update page titles,meta description.
38.Easy to update url structure.


39.Good reliable Fast hosting.
41.Auto website backup feature.

Technical Requirements, Backend

42.Use a content management system in the backend:
to make it easy for you to manage and maintain your site.
43.Cross browser compatible.
44.Google Analytics Integration.
45.Google Webmaster tools integration.
46.Speed: Fast Loading,Optimized code. 
47.Use browser cache to increase speed.
48.Schema.org: rich snippets integration atleast for your business name, address and phone number.Things to avoid on your site if you can
49.Don't use Flash elements.
50.Avoid background music.
51.Do not upload videos on the website server:Instead use the power of youtube and/or vimeo.
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