What is SEO ,How Search Engine Works?

Manish Kumar
1 minute read
According to Wikipedia, SEO is “the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results."
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your online content so that a search engine likes to show it as a top result for searches of a certain keyword.

First you know How Search Engine Works?
Search Engine perform many activities to search a web page or find a result in web pages.
1.Crawling – A website have many pages ,Fetching all pages (Collecting all Pages) are knows as “Crawling”. It's working using Software,which is knowns as Crawler or Spider.(Googlebot, In Case Of Google).
2.Indexing – Collecting all Webpages, making data and store into a Database is known as “Indexing” . Indexing main aim to  Use  Words And Expressions by which your Page Best Way Describe and easily.
3.Processing – when a Search Request comes to Search Engine the it is search into it's Database this  Process is called “Processing”.
3.Calculating Relevancy – A page contain how many  String Calculating and calculating how many times and  display is known as Relevancy Search Engines.
4.Display Results – it's Last Step Of Search Engine Activities. it display the best result on the basis of searching keywords.
SEO main depend upon Text , Available Contents like-Title, Description, Keywords Tags, meta Keywords,Description,Headings, And Alternative Text.

Read Also:What Is On-Page SEO(On-Site SEO) And Off-Page SEO?

The ABCD of SEO (Search Engine Optimization Alphabets- SEO Terminology) part-1

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