7 Qualities of People with High Emotional Intelligence

Manish Kumar
What is that one quality which makes some people more successful than others?
Why do certain people achieve more success than others?
What is it about how certain people behave and interact, how they are "wired" that drives them to greater success than their peers?
More often than not, it is their emotional intelligence (EQ), or, in other words, their ability to identify and manage the emotions of themselves and others.
The ability to manage emotions, including controlling your own, as well as the ability to cheer up or calm down another person.
There are critical ways that high achievers with strong emotional intelligence handle their lives, which you can learn from. these are:
1.They are clear about their life purpose and value.

2.They are self-awareness.

3.They show Empathy.

4.They Focus on Positive.

5.They are great listener.

6.They are stress resilient.

7.They keep good company and encourage others.
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