Search Your songs in just second magical mobile app(1MB)

Manish Kumar
It is a magical mobile app that recognizes music, TV and media around you. It's the best way to discover, explore and share the music you love - and it's free on Apple and Android devices.
It is one of the world’s most popular apps, used by hundreds of millions of people each month to instantly identify music that’s playing and see what others are discovering. All for free
 This app has been downloaded over 1 billion times across over 200 countries, exceeds 120 million monthly active users, and is growing by over 13 million new users each month.
So let's start now
1.First you download Shazam Lite From app Google play store
2.Open app and touch to shazam then play the song or near device where play the songs.
3.Result of the songs with details you can go to page for more information.
And that’s just the beginning: One-tap access to video clips, song lyrics, related tracks and streaming services, where you can listen to your Shazams in full or buy them. 

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